

HousingWorks国际扶轮 at Roger Williams University (HWRI) is an authoritative source of information about housing in Rhode Island. HWRI conducts research and analyzes data to inform public policy and develop communications strategies in an effort to promote dialogue about the relationship between housing and the state’s economic future.

HousingWorks国际扶轮 envisions a Rhode Island in which communities embrace a variety of housing choices so that residents, 无论收入如何, 才能健康地生活, quality homes in vibrant and thriving neighborhoods.

HousingWorks国际扶轮 研究

As part of Roger Williams University, HousingWorks国际扶轮 acts as a bridge for the University and provides a “think and do” laboratory that faculty, 学生, and staff can leverage to better all of Rhode Island. HousingWorks国际扶轮 investigates the connection between housing and outcomes in education and health. The public policy organization also works to educate stakeholders on the importance of housing affordability to the state’s economic future.

HWRI regularly collaborates with a wide range of organizations including its sister policy group the Latino Policy Institute. Through publications like the annual Housing Fact Book, 专题报告, 问题的简介, 和尖端的信息图表, HousingWorks国际扶轮 has built a solid reputation for providing easy to understand communications tools for community members to utilize when connecting the dots between housing and other issue areas. All HousingWorks国际扶轮 publications can be found on their website, www.housingworksri.org.

HousingWorks国际扶轮 regularly takes on student interns from various disciplines within the University and acts as a resource for external partners. HousingWorks国际扶轮 is supported by an advisory board, and funding for their work comes from the University and community partners, including the Rhode Island Foundation, 国际扶轮联合劝募会, 罗德岛住宅. 除了核心资金, HousingWorks国际扶轮 fundraises for their annual Housing Fact Book lunch, where its premiere publication is released.